Saturday, October 18, 2008

Why you should be sad and why am I so happy?

I got a COW key holder! Tks YW for the gift! The smile of the cow brightens my day! Now my bunch of keys is getting heavier...heh

Recently, I feel that people around are always busy, tired, sad, angry, unsatisfied, moody, etc. But I can understand why.
Something to make ur more depressed.

1) You are studying, slogging through endless assignments and exams, and not having a life.
OR You are working, slogging through endless work you wish you are not doing, and not having a life.
2) You have a lot of friends, and all of them are fakes. Worse if you do not realise that.
3) You realise after all these, you have nothing.
4) You pretend that you are fulfilled or content.

1) I have everything I want. Material, tangible stuff I mean. What do I lack? I cant think of anything. I have everything i want.
2) I am studying full-time, and so many yrs of studying (pri-JC) are probably to get me where I am now. The best is, I don't care about all my work. I have 2 tests on Mon and I am still going to enjoy my weekends.
3) I am working (biz, teaching, etc), and they are what I want to do, and I have an income.
4) I have a bunch of real friends.

I am just kidding about the above. Seriously. I am just blaffing myself. I am miserable too.

Hm anyway...which hotel should I go for my meal later, and should I drive my ferrari or lamborghini?

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