Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Advertorial: Support local startups!


This a new sea freight service that ships directly from USA to SG, EZPZ Express.

Currently, they are having a promo, so if you register at their website (free of charge), and if you buy 1 metre cube of freight space, you'll get the next 1 metre cube at 50% off!

They ship small stuff too I believe, and you can get them to quote you a price

Support local startups! Check it out at http://www.ezpzx.com

Friday, May 22, 2009



WHITEHOUSE by Just10, coming your way at Orchard Central #B1-26 soon...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Try this! It can read ur mind!


Go to the above link. It can read your mind! Not kidding!

Got to try!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Exam's over!


1st year has finished, 3 more to go...:(

Not as easy as I thought, how to go through 3 more years?

1) Eat
2) Sleep
3) Shop
4) Play
5) Anything I feel like doing

Friday, March 20, 2009

Short Movie - Signs

Short movie, very good. MUST WATCH!

Monday, March 16, 2009

I don't understand when people...

I don't understand when people

1) tell me they have no time. Pls lah, u got 24 hrs everyday, let u sleep 10 hrs liao still got 14 hrs. You can do many things in 14 hrs. So don't try to act busy in front of me.

2) are so weak. Yes, U. Move on lah. If u know it yourself that you shouldn't be stuck at the same spot, move on! You don't need an expert to guide you in that. (i don mean physically..)

3) think for themselves only. You think the world only u only ah? Stop being so selfish and open your eyes wider.

PS: I am not referring to anyone in particular. Just saying what I feel...anyhow one...hahaa

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tired of...

I am tired of...
1) Getting stuck on PIE every friday from the west to Changi.
2) Rushing here and there endlessly everyday.
3) Trying to please people.
4) Putting in effort but not getting anything in return.
5) Selling myself out.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


SALON BY JUST10 at Liang Court Shopping Centre #02-15/16

Coming your way soon in January...

Monday, January 12, 2009


Finally a post after weeks! Really busy, many things to do...Went chinatown on last Sat..YAY CNY is coming!!! It's heavy traffic, queueing to enter carpark!

Of course, it's a must to get a cup of KOI when u are in chinatown! Oh yeah, for those of u who keep asking me where is KOI in chinatown, look at the picture above! I don't remember the shopping centre's name (Chinatown shopping centres all similar names...hahah) just look for the green building, it's at the ground level (walkway) directly opposite the bus stop. I don't know how many of my friends have become fans of KOI liao...HAHAHA let's all become fat!

KOI's GRASS JELLY BUBBLE TEA ($3.50). The black layer on top is grass jelly. You think it's just normal grass jelly...NOT! It's really hard to describe the texture of it...it's in between those agar agar and the jap chewy jelly texture! It's so good with the milk tea! Wah..donno where they get the grass jelly from one...must try!
TIP WHEN ORDERING KOI: Ask for "VERY LITTLE pearls"...I don't know why they like to fill HALF the cup with pearl everytime. And when I ask for less pearl, it's still A LOT of pearl. And finally I have perfected my ordering skill, to say "VERY LITTLE pearl", then the amount will come out just right...

and oh ya pardon the poor resolution, taken using my louya phone...ha

The chinatown night market is packed! So many people...forgot to take photo.

In case if you are going there, remember to buy this....guess what is it...

Rou Gan(BBQ Meat)? Nope! It's CUTTLEFISH WITH SEAWEED($1.50)! It's very good, warm and crispy with seaweed! It's at one of the stalls in the night market. Real life it looks much better la...photo's fault...

Besides these, got many things to buy also. At DaZhongGuo(Big China)...the traditional chinese bakery..there's chigu crackers (a kind of fruit, fried) and great prawn rolls!!! I also saw a stall selling taiwan pastries, the Sun biscuit, and handmade egg rolls...but the queue is really long and I gave it a miss.

I'll be back!